Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs Paid Search Advertising

What is Paid Search Advertising?

Paid search still stands as one of the most successful strategies for attracting traffic to your website. Rather than relying on organic search results, pay-per-click ads can be optimized to target just the right audience. Because you only pay when a visitor clicks on your ad to enter your website, the view of your advertisement is free, which allows you to reach a larger audience than when you rely on organic search alone. If you have not tried paid search to market your small business, now may be a good time to start. Pay attention to these five reasons why a pay-per-click campaign is an ideal advertising strategy for your company.

Paid Search and SEO Go Together

It’s no secret that search engine optimization can take time to start producing results for your website. Paid search allows you to gain top visibility right away, producing instant targeted traffic to your website and increasing leads, sales and revenue. In time, SEO and paid search begin to work hand-in-hand, showing Google and searchers alike how relevant your website is to the key terms and phrases being targeted. Typically, consumers tend to trust websites that occupy both paid and organic listings high in search results.

Paid Search Gives Valuable Insights

By analyzing the results of your paid search campaigns, you will be able to identify the words and phrases that produce higher conversion rates, and then incorporate those particular keywords into your organic SEO efforts. Additionally, installing software that allows you to track where visitors go after clicking through to your landing pages can give insight for improving your conversion rates.

Paid Search Can Run 24/7

Even though your business is not available at all hours of the day, your website is. Use paid search to target potential customers as they search for your product. With a properly maintained pay-per-click campaign, you can generate leads even while you sleep. The extra exposure alone provides a great growth opportunity for your business.

Paid Search is Highly Targeted

With traditional forms of advertising, your message has to appeal to a large demographic. A generalized message is necessary in order to avoid eliminating certain customers. However, with paid search targeting options, you can create customizable ads to specifically target each item or service you have to offer, and then market them to the exact target audience you want to reach.

Paid Search Helps You Compete

Many small businesses are constantly outranked by giant competitors like Amazon and Walmart. Paid search allows your website to occupy the same advertising space as your largest rivals. This will allow you to make up for your lower organic rankings as you ramp up SEO efforts on your website.

Paid search does not end with Google. Numerous search engines and social networks offer a form of pay-per-click advertising, including Google Search, Google Search Partners, Google Shopping Channels, Bing, Yahoo!, MSN Microsoft Search Networks, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. However, it can be difficult for small businesses to begin paid search advertising, much less maintain it on a daily basis. That is why many small business owners find great success by partnering with an internet marketing firm that specializes in paid search setup and management.

At CyberMark, our PPC specialists track how well each ad and set of keywords are doing, analyzing which ads are resulting in the most clicks and conversions. We can even design landing pages to significantly boost the performance of your ad campaign. We offer competitive rates, even reducing non-converting click fees and optimizing each campaign for the lowest price per conversion. We offer two programs to meet your goals and budget. Contact us today to see how we can help you generate website traffic and leads.

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