Why You Should Get an SEO Consultation Before Redesigning Your Website

shutterstock 78032110Usually when people are thinking about redesigning their websites, it's because they are looking to make it more relevant or fresh for potential customers. It's typically not until around launch time that they start thinking about search engine optimization.

As you've most likely heard in recent years, Google has made a lot of changes to their search engine algorithm. What Google cares about most now is the quality of a website, not the quantity of keywords. A good looking website can still incorporate SEO. You just have to find the perfect balance of aesthetics, usability, and search engine optimization.

Once you have done your keyword research and know which terms you want to target, you need to determine what it will take to compete in the digital marketplace. If you have chosen a term that fairly competitive you should have lots of content and links already or the patience to ride out the lengthy process of building up authority for your site.

One of the most important aspects of your new website is the information architecture. Not only should your site look appealing and be search engine friendly, it should provide a quality user experience. Throwing a bunch of pages together with little meaning isn't going to help your website or provide a quality user experience.

There are a variety of aspects to your website design that can affect how search engine friendly it is, making it even more important for you to get an SEO consultation prior to redesigning your website. At CyberMark International, we make the process of redesigning your website even easier with our team of in-house web designers and SEO specialists on staff, working together to ensure you get the most optimized website available.

If you're interested in a free initial consultation on your current website, call CyberMark International today at .

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