Bing Gains More Popularity in the Search Engine Market

bingMicrosoft search engine Bing has grown their market share for the third month in a row with a 0.2 percent increase. Microsoft has been working to differentiate itself from Google by leveraging its recent Facebook partnership.

Facebook's latest feature is a launching tool for quickly searching photos uploaded by your friends. This simple yet effective feature integrates Bing's search engine capabilities to access data from across the social network.

This new tool can be accessed by clicking on a friend's photo in Bing's Social Sidebar, the area in the right-hand column of Bing's search results page. Search any keyword to find particular types of photos from your friends, or just by putting in a friend's name.
It should be noted that this new Friends' Photos feature adheres to Facebook's privacy guidelines and will only show photos that a particular friend has made viewable to you. Facebook and Bing maintain that private photos won't be shared with the public.

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