Perhaps you’ve received an e-mail or a form submission from an anonymous “marketer” claiming that your website has “major issues”. Not only has this “marketer” uncovered these issues but, oh! they are the only ones who can fix them! Well, before you start to worry about your online presence, know these website form submissions and emails are simply scare tactics employed by spam marketers.
The definition of spam is pretty clear: if the e-mail is unsolicited and sent in bulk, then it is spam, which means you’re probably not the only business that has received the same “scary” email or form submission. These unsolicited e-mails are cold e-mails sent in bulk to hundreds or even thousands of contacts hoping they attract the attention of one or two people willing to give them a chance.
Many of these e-mails contain grammatical and spelling errors which begs the question, “Is this the type of person I want managing my website, writing web copy or managing my social media campaigns?” They also don’t introduce themselves or say which company they are affiliated with nor do they offer any other kind of identifying information. This is definitely a red flag.
Let’s break down the content of some of these e-mails so you can rest assured that your website, SEO campaign or paid advertising isn’t lacking anything and these spam emails and form submissions are, in fact, junk!
[vc_separator]“Your website has different adverse technical errors such as dead links, HTML errors, lost image alt tags etc.”
No website is perfect. Links to your site can break which causes images not to load, outbound links may no longer work if the linked site makes changes and alt tags aren’t something you just “lose”. In turn, digital marketing companies like CyberMark, help their customers stay up-to-date with all the latest changes. These foreign “spammers” are often looking to make a quick buck and not in this for the long haul which can lead to far more issues. They do not place priority on one project over another simply because they are not experienced enough to know better. The difference is that the technical items described by these spam e-mail are being monitored by CyberMark. We understand that to keep your site functioning, the site needs to be checked and tested to make sure that any issues that may arise are fixed. We refer to this process our Rank, Click, Convert program.
[vc_separator] “Duplicity in the content has been found which can be negatively affecting your website search rankings.”
At CyberMark, we have a team of writers who take the time to research a topic before writing unique and engaging content. Therefore, you can rest assured your website does not feature any duplicate content because the first rule of SEO is no duplicate content! Writing about your offerings and services is a great way to improve your keyword rankings, customer reach and most importantly, educating your website visitors. Plus, we keep an eye on website rankings to ensure the content we write about is impactful for both the reads and for your business.
[vc_separator]“Your presence on social media platforms, such as (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is minimal which is depriving you of a huge market of prospective referral clients.”
If you are a CyberMark social media program client, you get your very own digital marketing specialist who is dedicated to ensuring that your social media platforms are up to date and on-brand posts are being posted every single week. If you don’t have a social media plan with us, then please consider one for that extra marketing boost.
[vc_separator]“Your AdWords campaign could be performing better if you were using a landing page, adding negative keywords, utilizing geo-targeting etc.”
Digital advertising is a 24/7 job! You can count on your CyberMark paid search manager to optimize your campaigns for performance continuously. We would not be able to sleep at night if we felt like your campaign was lacking in any way. We will discuss each improvement made to your campaign during our monthly account review call. We are also available anytime you have a question, suggestion, or just want to say hi! Also, without having access to your AdWords account, the information these so-called marketers are unable to see any detailed information about your campaign, so again, they are bluffing.
[vc_separator]“Your website is not ranking on any of the search engines with most of the business-oriented keywords.”
A key part of our jobs as digital marketers is to track your keyword rankings on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. We are continually focused on your keyword rankings and improving rankings over time. We develop unique content or blogs to target your desired keywords. We take the time to research keywords that will help improve your online presence, we discuss these terms with you during your onboarding, and we provide ranking updates each month regarding those key terms. Your success is our success!
[vc_separator]What Do I Do With the E-mail?
Mark it as Spam in your inbox or if you’ve received a message through a contact form on your website, you can mark that as Spam in your Lead Tracking Portal, it’s up to you.
Remember that with anything—if it seems too good to be true, then it most likely is. Many of these e-mails or form submissions promise quick fixes and number #1 rankings immediately. Little alarms should be going off anytime someone promises you the world for next to nothing! At CyberMark, we believe that building a solid web presence takes dedication and long-term care. The next time you receive a spam email or form submission, feel free to ask them to forward their concerns to your digital marketing agency as we would be pleased to speak with them and review their “major issues” found. You’ll find that suggestion will scare them away pretty quickly!
What all of this comes down to is that monitoring your website and digital marketing, giving it the TLC it needs to be successful and gain traffic is what we are here to do. If you have questions or would like to learn more about CyberMark and what we offer, contact us today.