Notice Your Lead Tracking Portal Looks Different? Don’t Worry, Here’s Everything You Need to Know

You may have noticed recently that your Lead Portal Dashboard (also known as WhatConverts!) looks different. Or, at the very least, you may have noticed this little notification the last time you tried to access your Lead Portal Dashboard:

new dashboard

Don’t worry! Everything you need to know about your new Lead Portal Dashboard is explained below.

(Note: You can still access the older “legacy” dashboard until June 30th. On that date, the “legacy” dashboard will be retired permanently.)

What’s New?


The new Lead Portal dashboard has unique features that should make navigating it a breeze. These changes include more intuitive navigation, easy access to your most important reports, a modern redesign, and more customization on the user level. It’s also faster than ever before.


The dashboard now immediately shows all your lead and marketing data upon login. This new layout provides more insights, faster, and in a data language that you can understand.


The Lead Portal reporting got a facelift, too, with new summary reports, the ability to save your favorite reports, and an enhanced Report Builder. The Summary Reports are now more precise and more informative as well.


CyberMark Walkthrough Video

Here is a video made by CyberMark to further help you navigate your new-look Dashboard:


Additional Resources

Here are four additional videos to help walk you through the new dashboard. Each video touches on a different aspect of the new dashboard; Navigation, Lead Manager, Reporting and Lead Tracking. Of course, if any of this is confusing, you can always reach out to for more help and guidance.


New Navigation

The new layout features three prioritized sections: Leads, Tracking, and Reporting.

Link to Video:


New Dashboard & Lead Manager

The new dashboard provides an easy entry point to all the data you’ve collected.

Improved lead management system to keep all your leads in one place.

Link to Video:


Improved Reporting

Select and save your favorite reports to use again

The Monthly Summary Report is updated to be more insightful

Link to Video:


Improved Lead Tracking

Improved the form-tracking process to eliminate errors.

New accounts can now immediately see sample data instead of having to wait for leads to come in

Link to Video:


CyberMark has years of experience working with WhatConverts and managing the lead portal dashboard. If you would like to know more about the expertise and services that CyberMark offers, feel free to contact us or call us at 480-546-5652.

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